Oct 09, 2023. Home / Arkashya, Chennai / Marketing

How Your Social Media Strategy Can Boost Your Website Traffic?

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become integral in our daily lives. Beyond personal connections, these platforms have changed the game for businesses by enabling them to reach potential customers more effectively. But did you know that these platforms play a massive role in driving traffic to websites? 

In this blog, you’ll learn how adapting social media strategies with the help of a social media agency in Chennai can boost your website traffic.  

Relationship Between Social Media And Website Traffic 

Relationship between social media and website traffic

1. Engagement Leads To Visits 

Every share, like, or click on your social media post acts as an open invitation. When a user interacts with your post, they're showing interest. This curiosity can lead them to click on your post's link, bringing them straight to your website. Each visit means increased website traffic and a potential new customer.  

2. Matching Content Across Platforms 

Your social media posts should be a preview of what users can expect on your website. If your post talks about a new product, users should find details about that product when they visit your site. Keeping consistency in your content assures visitors they're in the right place. You can manage regular content updates with the help of a digital marketing agency. It will ensure that the themes, topics, and quality on your social channels mirror what's on your site.  

3. Effective Call-To-Actions (CTAs) 

Clear and compelling CTAs in your social media posts can guide users towards your website. Whether it's a simple "Learn More" or a specific "Shop Now," CTAs act as signposts directing traffic.  

4. Utilization Of Stories And Highlights 

Platforms like Instagram offer 'Stories' which allow brands to showcase short-term promotions or news. The social media agency in Chennai leverages its benefits by adding website links to these stories and drive spur-of-the-moment traffic. 

5. User-Generated Content (UGC) 

Encouraging users to create content related to your brand can be a powerful way to drive traffic. When users share their own experiences and tag your brand, their followers might be enticed to visit your website to learn more. 

6. Collaborative Features 

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow multiple brands or users to collaborate on a single post or story. By partnering with complementary brands or influencers, a social media agency can help its audience and drive diverse traffic to your site. 

7. Hashtag Strategies 

Using trending and relevant hashtags can put your posts in front of a larger, interested audience. Users exploring these hashtags might stumble upon your content and subsequently, your website. 

The Impact Of Using Social Media And SEO On Your Website 

Impact of using social media and SEO

For many, social media and SEO are like two peas in a pod. They complement each other and amplify the results when combined effectively. Yet, there's an alarming trend: many marketers overlook the potential of leveraging social media for SEO. This oversight mainly stems from a lack of understanding of how these two can harmoniously work together. 

Many mistakenly believe that sharing content on social media platforms is the only necessary step. This notion is far from reality. The sheer negligence of integrating these two powerful tools may inadvertently sabotage your SEO strategy, jeopardizing both organic branding and content traffic. Such traffic is crucial for scalable growth. 

1. The Power Of Social Signals 

Research by SearchMetrics unveiled a strong correlation between social signals and Google rankings. Social signals refer to the aggregate shares, likes, and general visibility of website content across social media. These signals are not just static numbers; they're crucial indicators for crafting an impactful social media and SEO strategy. 

 A boost in social shares can lead to an increase in backlinks. And as any SEO aficionado knows, backlinks are one of the primary factors influencing search engine rankings.  

2. The Underestimated Potential Of Social Media 

One common misconception is that social media doesn't get the credit it deserves, especially concerning its role in driving website traffic and conversions. Social media can be an invaluable asset for garnering backlinks, a strategy employed by countless marketers to amplify content visibility on high-profile websites.  

Yet, the game isn't merely about volume. If 1,000 of your shares come from low-profile sites, with only one from a prominent site, the impact won't be substantial. The real magic happens when your content reaches audiences of influential blogs that boast millions of visitors. 

3. The Importance Of Profile Optimization 

Often, the role of profile optimization in social media is underestimated, which can be detrimental to rankings. A poorly optimized profile may lead to fewer clicks, diminished social engagement, and less organic traffic. 

The CEO's Perspective 

Interestingly, the CEO of a social media company views social media as a tool primarily for building engagement and reputation. The metric-focused mindset of the modern marketer, emphasizing clicks, shares, and impressions, sometimes clashes with a CEO's bottom-line-driven perspective. They primarily focus on new customers, increased sales, and lead generation. Thus, the challenge lies in bridging this gap, linking social media metrics to tangible business outcomes that matter most to the C-suite. 

Benefits Of Combining Social Media With SEO 

Benefits of combining social media with SEO

Social media can be your major source of bringing traffic and conversions to your website. Here is how it is beneficial.  

1. Cost-effective Consumer Targeting  

From a financial perspective, social media offers a budget-friendly alternative to traditional advertising. For instance, while the average cost per click on Google AdWords ranges between $1 to $2, it's as low as $0.13 on platforms like Facebook. With such detailed targeting options, social advertising ensures your content reaches your niche audience without breaking the bank.  

2. Staying Connected With Consumers  

In our digital age, consumers frequently check their phones, expecting quick and easy access to their favorite brands. A robust social media strategy ensures that brands remain at the forefront of consumers' minds.  

3. Content And Customer Retention  

While earlier marketing strategies focused heavily on link-building and keyword stuffing, the modern-era SEO company prioritizes content. It's through platforms like social media that most users discover and consume content. Moreover, alongside email, social media stands as a paramount tool for customer retention. Effective strategies can bolster customer service, sentiment analysis, and targeted advertisements, ensuring customers remain engaged and loyal. 

Summing Up 

To those still on the fence about the synergy between social media and SEO: connect with us. When harmoniously integrated, these two can significantly boost website traffic and ensure sustained growth. If you're seeking guidance, the SEO experts at Arkashya Tech Solution can help craft a tailored strategy. Our social media agency in Chennai will ensure that both your social media and SEO efforts propel your business to new heights. 

You can contact us at [email protected] 

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How can social media increase website traffic? 

 Social media promotes:  

  • Engagement 

  • Consistent Content 

  • CTAs 

  • Stories & Highlights 

  • UGC & Collaborations 

  • Hashtags 

2. What benefits arise from integrating social media and SEO? 

 It offers a plethora of benefits, but the key benefits include: 

  • Social Signals: They can boost SEO via increased backlinks. 

  • The potential of social media: Helps in garnering valuable backlinks from high-profile sites. 

  • Profile Optimization: Enhances clicks and organic traffic. 

  • Affordability: Social advertising is often more budget friendly. 

  • Brand Presence: Keeps brands at the forefront on social platforms. 

  • Content Discovery: Social media is a primary content discovery platform. 

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